3 Fragen zu „Musik von hier“:
Viele Bands aus Deutschland füllen auch im Ausland Stadien, und was wäre elektronische Musik ohne Kraftwerk oder Can – welchen Einfluss hat „Musik von hier“ international?
Many are surprised, how known German bands are, played all around the world. Plus, many musicians, both German and international move to Berlin – Berlin has had a huge punk and alternative scene since the late seventies, and the last decade also one of the biggest electro scenes in Europe. It’s also a very international city with lots of different nationalities. It feels like a huge bowl, melting styles, sounds and artistic influences. For an artist, it’s amazing to live in Berlin at this time. Its international flair and alternative scene is one of the reasons, I decided to move here.
Welche (deutschen) Künstler siehst Du als Geheimtipp?
Desney Bailey (Royal Flame). Not so geheim anymore, but i really like the new BOSSE album.
Was wünscht Du Dir vom Medien- & Kulturumfeld für die Musiklandschaft zwischen Flensburg und München?
I’d love to see more appreciation for „organic“ music – that which has a story to tell. From the media, I hope to see a deeper understanding of the message in songs and songwriting in a whole. Music often has a powerful message to share. From an artist point of view, I’d hope the media would write more about the problems of illegal downloads. I strongly believe the public should be more aware of the impact it has on the music industry as a whole.
3 Fragen zur Plattenladenwoche:
Welche Bedeutung haben Plattenläden für die Musikkultur im Allgemeinen und für Deine Musik im Besonderen?
While I was still studying in London I actually worked in a music & record store. The older they are the bigger is their charm – they put you back into rock cultures past – as if the souls of our greatest musicians meet in one place. I like these little old-school music stores. I could get lost between music.
Wie wichtig ist für Dich der Fachhandel sowohl als Musiker als auch als Kunde und Musikfan?
Record stores still offer the possibility of something „in the hand“. Especially for the younger generation I think it’s important to understand that music isn’t just a little icon on the computer screen or an mp3 in your iPod. A real record is a combination of music, messages, stories and artwork. A lot of soul and energy goes into that whole process. I still believe that it’s important to offer that gift to the audience that is still receptive for our art in its purest form. Plus, I like „feeling“ music. Holding the record in my hand instead of downloading a single online still has a special quality for me.
Was sind Deine aktuellen CD-Tipps, und welche Musiker und Alben sollten in keinem heimischen CD-Regal fehlen?
Anna Ternheim, Joan Jett, Dave Mathews Band, Counting Crows, Mumford and Sons, Beirut, Angus and Julia Stone
„Ich unterstütze die Plattenladenwoche, weil… „
It brings musicians, songs, laughter (music)lovers and fun back to the roots – the music stores.